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Inbuilt Features

Features like conditional rendering, iterative rendering etc.
These are new features, and still in development.

NOTE: Only conditional rendering is implemented till now.

Conditional Rendering

You can use this feature to mount an element only when some condition is satisfied.
When the element re-renders, it checks if the condition is met or not.
If it is true, it mounts the element, otherwise it unmounts it.

Here on every re-render, render method checks if the condition is met or not, and it itself mounts or unmounts the element.

This was the case we were talking about earlier, where render method also mounts or unmounts the element.

There can be two cases:

Case 1: When condition for rendering is external to the element.
Case 2: When condition for rendering is internal to the element.


Condition is a function which returns a boolean value.
This conditions get evaluated on every re-render.


These two examples will cover both cases.

Case 1: External Condition

First we'll create a basic count element.

const Count = new Spuck({ type: 'span', parent: '#app' }).render();
const setCount = Count.$state('count', 0);
Count.prop = { text: '$-count' };
Let's create the condition function.

const oddCondition = () => Count.getState('count') % 2 !== 0; // condition for odd element
const evenCondition = () => Count.getState('count') % 2 === 0; // condition for even element

const Div = new Spuck({ type: 'div', parent: '#app', class: 'parent' }).make();
The Div element will contain the odd/even elements based on the condition.

Now we will show two elements, depending on odd/even of the count.

const EvenElement = new Spuck({ type: 'h3', parent: '.parent', id: 'even' });
// using pseudo-state, explained after the codeblock
EvenElement.prop = { text: '$$-count Even' };
EvenElement.renderIf(() => evenCondition());

const OddElement = new Spuck({ type: 'h2', parent: '.parent', id: 'odd' });
OddElement.prop = { text: '$$-count Odd' };
OddElement.renderIf(() => oddCondition());
Note that the conditions are external to the elements.

Now we will declare these two elements as pseudo-children of the Count element.
So when the Count element will re-render, it will also make the conditional elements to re-render.
Then the elements will check again, wheather to mount or not, because the state of Count would have been changed and the conditions depend on the state. So this will cause the conditions to change too.

Count.init.pseudoChildren = [EvenElement, OddElement];


Now we will create a button to increment the count.

const Button = new Spuck({ type: 'button', parent: '#app', id: 'button' });
Button.prop = { text: 'Click Me' }; = { click: () => setCount(a => a + 1) };
When the count state will be an even number, only the EvenElement will be on the DOM and vice-versa.
On button click, count state is changing which is causing the two elements to check their conditions again.


Case 2: Internal Condition

We will again create a count element and its condition would depend on its own state.
Though the state will be updated by another element.

const ShowCount = new Spuck({ type: 'div', parent: '#app', id: 'show-count' }).render();

const setShowCount = ShowCount.$state('showCount', 0);
ShowCount.prop = { text: '$-showCount' }

Condition: State should be an even number.

const showCountCondition = () => ShowCount.getState('showCount') % 2 === 0;

ShowCount.renderIf(() => showCountCondition());
Now a very normal button
const Click = new Spuck({ type: 'button', parent: '#app', class: 'click' }).render();
Click.props = { text: 'Click Me' }; = { click: () => setShowCount(a => a + 1) };

// we are making it after, so that it appears after the button in the DOM
When button is clicked, state of ShowCount will change, and the condition will be checked again.


To be continued...
