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Getting Started

This section will show you how to get started with SpuckJs.

new Spuck()

We know that every object of class Spuck is a virtual element that has to be put in the DOM.

const Element = new Spuck();
If we console log this Element we can see different properties and methods.

Spuck = {
    init: undefined
    prop: undefined
    events: undefined
    attr: undefined
    _pseudoState: {}
    _state: {}
    #_CSP: "$$-"
    #_SP: "$-"
    #_alterState: #_alterState(_finVal, _name)
    #_deps: Object
    #_effects: Object
    #_getStateName: ƒ #_getStateName(_stateName)
    #_partialEffects: Object
First 4 properties are the important ones for basic operations, others are managed by the library

  • init: This will be an object, and will define type, parent, class and id (this is necessary).
  • prop: ...object and will define text, value and css of the element.
  • events: ...object and will define events.
  • attr: ...object and will define attributes.

Creating a Heading element.

const Heading = new Spuck();
Heading.init = {
    type: "h1",
    parent: "#app", // a div defined in the html file
    class: "heading",
    id: "heading"
Doing the initalizing part in one line is handy.
const Heading = new Spuck({ type: 'h1', parent: '#app', class: 'heading', id: 'heading' });

Heading.prop = { text: 'Hello Spuck' };
Here we defined the text of element, in prop property.

This element will be put in the DOM, but it is not yet ready to be mounted.


Our Heading element is just a virtual element that has to be put in the DOM.

To convert it into a real DOM element we use render method.

This method adds bunch of properties defined into the physical element.

NOTE: render does not mount the element, it just creates or updates an element with some properties.

When you render an element more than once you pass a parameter to the method, i.e., 're'

render with no parameter creates a new element with some properties, while render('re') updates the element with some properties.

Late Note

render does mount an element in a case, we'll look at it later.

DOM Methods


mount is a method that puts an element in the DOM.


unMount is a method that removes an element from the DOM.


isMount is a method that checks if an element is mounted or not.


make just combines render and mount methods. It also accepts a parameter to be re, when element is already rendered. It just passes the parameter to the render method.

So in our case of Heading, we should probably use make, as it is a very simple element.
You don't have to render it if you use make.

Now the element is in the DOM.

Heading at once

const Heading = new Spuck({ type: 'h1', parent: '#app', class: 'heading', id: 'heading' });
Heading.prop = { text: 'Hello Spuck' };